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Top 10 Downloads
Troubleshooting 1: Error Messages  2.72 MB
  June 15, 2006
This Novell® GroupWise® 7 Troubleshooting 1 Guide guide covers error messages that appear in ConsoleOne®, GroupWise agents, and GroupWise clients, along with possible causes and suggested actions to resolve the problem. (pdf)
 downloads: 44839
MySQL Server vers. 4.0.7  5.94 MB
  MySQL Server for NetWare. downloads: 24204
Login Script Commands Guide  665.89 KB
  This guide includes the information on login scripts that can be used with Novell® eDirectoryTM user accounts and Novell ClientTM software on Windows and Linux workstations. (pdf)  downloads: 22061
PHP-Nuke Vers. 7.1  5.80 MB
  PHP Nuke Portal System Vers. 7.1 downloads: 20337
PHProjekt Vers. 4.2.1  1.23 MB
  PHProjekt is a modular application for the coordination of group activities and to share informations and document via intranet and internet.  downloads: 18833
PHP-Nuke Vers. 7.9  5.62 MB
  PHP Nuke Portal System Vers. 7.9  downloads: 14651
SLES 10 - Installation and Administration  9.09 MB
  August 04,2006
This guide is intended for use by professional network and system administrators during the actual planning, deployment, configuration, and operation of SUSE® Linux Enterprise.
 downloads: 14459
M.R.T.G. for NetWare  1.60 MB
  The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is a tool to monitor the traffic load on network links. MRTG generates HTML pages containing PNG images which provide a LIVE visual representation of this traffic.
"Getting Started" in Technical Info/Tools for NetWare.
 downloads: 14314
Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 - Analiza produktu  316.16 KB
  Pakiet SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 jest now± wersj± najbardziej zaawansowanego na ¶wiecie serwera z systemem Linux*, w której wprowadzono ponad 1500 udoskonaleñ, nowo¶ci i aktualizacji.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server to serwer dostosowany do wymagañ instytucji i przedsiêbiorstw, przeznaczony do obs³ugi oprogramowania o znaczeniu krytycznym, dzia³aj±cego zwykle w centrum przetwarzania danych.
 downloads: 14157
SUSE Linux 10.0 Start-Up  5.06 MB
  This guide will see you through your initial contact with SUSE Linux. Whether you are a first time user or an experienced administrator, check out the various parts of this manual to learn how to use and enjoy your SUSE Linux system. (pdf) downloads: 13607
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