Informative Bash Prompt
Posted: 1 Jun 2005
Informative bash prompt
The normal bash prompt in SuSE Linux contains the username, the machine name
and the working directory. I don't need much more, but I like to have it clearer
visible (colored). I also want to be informed if an application exited with
exitcode > 0. Additionally, it's very useful to have username, hostname
and the working directory in the xterm title.
This is my prompt: cb@tux:/tmp> false
[1] cb@tux:/tmp> su
You can see that the false command exited with status 1 as expected.
You can also see that root sessions are highlighted separately.
How does this work?
I changed my prompt ($PS1) for the described features. The most
important change is displaying the exitcodes if they are not zero. My
/etc/bash.bashrc.local contains: # PS1version=' [e[46m]8.1[e[0m]'
PS1error='$( ret=$? ; test $ret -gt 0 && echo "[e[41;93m] [$ret] [e[0m]" )'
PS1user="$( test `whoami` == root && echo '[e[101m]' )u[e[0m]"
PS1color='[e[1;37;44m]' # color of working directory
PS1="$PS1error$PS1user@h:$PS1colorw[e[0m]$PS1version> "
tty | grep pts > /dev/null && PS1="$PS1[e]0;w - u@ha]";
export PS1
What do all those commands and variables do? I'll explain each step.
- The (commented out) line PS1version is useful in chroot
environments and helps me in looking through the different systems. If
activated, the prompt contains the additional text 8.1 with cyan
- PS1error prints the exitcode and its colored formatting - except
if it was zero (= success). In this case, nothing is printed.
variable $ret is necessary because test changes $?.
- PS1user displays the current username - normally unformatted,
only root gets a light red background.
The usage of whoami has the
advantage of always telling the correct username. The bash-internal
$USER variable is only correct with su - (or real logins),
but not when just using su. By the way, $PS1user is
expanded directly when parsing bash.bashrc.local - that means
whoami is only called once in a session.
- PS1color contains the color codes for highlighing of the working
directory. The advantage of putting this in its own variable is that it can be
changed easier.
Tip: I use different colors on several machines and can
recognice the xterms by color ;-)
- The line PS1=... composes the "real" prompt. It puts all the
PS1... variables together and adds some more details.
$PS1error is still not expanded here. It is evaluated each time the
promt is shown.
- Using tty | grep pts ... puts the working
directory, username and host into a xterm's title bar - if you are in one.
Otherwise, it changes nothing.
- Finally the variable $PS1 gets exported
(export $PS1) to be really useable.
Reading tips about this topic: man console_codes explains all
the colorful parts of my prompt, man bash explains all about the
promt in general. Additionally, the bash prompt howto is worth reading.
Available colorsfor i in `seq 1 7 ; seq 30 48 ; seq 90 107 ` ; do
echo -e "e[${i}mteste[0m$i"
shows a list of available colors.
The colors 90-107 are not documented in man console_codes.
Before using them, use the above loop to test if they are supported on your