Text-Only Email in Evolution

Posted: 15 Feb 2005

Evolution is a great program offering lots of customization and preferences. We can see this in its ability to offer email message formatting and templates. These are the subjects I have covered in the past two weeks. Users of Evolution do not have to use all of the fancy features, however. The program's flexibility also offers the plain and simple. For example, rather than HTML email, many system administrators prefer that plain-text email be used on their servers. In many cases, such options use minimal bandwidth and cause less headache for the admin. This week's article will illustrate a few ways to minimize on bandwith usage and other overhead.

To get us started, let's run Evolution.

First, we'll look at sending plain-text email. Click on the TOOLS menu, and then SETTINGS:

In the window that appears, select COMPOSER PREFERENCES from the options on the left. On the right, uncheck the box that says "Format messages in HTML":

When finished, click CLOSE.

You have now set your default format for new messages to be plain text. You can also set this manually for each message you send. To do this, click the NEW button to create a new message:

The message window appears. Click on the FORMAT menu. The first option is HTML. It should not be checked. If it is, uncheck it:

You'll know that you've made the correct selection if the buttons I've circled in red are inactivated on your screen:

There is yet one more way to make sure we send text-only messages. Click on the TOOLS menu, and then select SETTINGS:

A new window appears. From the options on the left, select MAIL PREFERENCES. From the tabs that appear at the right, select the HTML MAIL tab. Make sure the option is checked that says, "Prompt when sending HTML messages to contacts that don't want them":

When you're finished, click CLOSE.

Now, we just have to make sure that we've set up our contacts so that none of them want HTML email. This is very simple.

Click on the VIEW menu, then WINDOW, and then CONTACTS:

Open one of your contacts by double-clicking it. Alternatively, you can create a new one by clicking the NEW button.

When the contact's information window comes up, make sure the CONTACT tab is selected. In this window, there is a checkbox that says, "Wants to receive HTML email." For each and every contact in your list, make sure this box is not checked:

Click OK when you are done.

Using Evolution's many options, you can customize it to fit your preferences or those of your system administrator. You may have the freedom to send HTML emails. In many cases, you may not. Some admins even filter out HTML email and disallow them completely. Whatever your freedoms or restrictions, Evolution fits the bill.

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