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Tools for NetWare


A menu-driven plug 'n play DOS boot disk for accessing NetWare servers by IP/IPX  1.47 MB
  The boot disk can be constructed using Novell's 32-bit client (NLM) or the 16-bit client (VLM) or even both. Choices for protocols (TCPIP or IPX or both), frame types, topology (ethernet, token-ring, fddi), TCPIP-settings, nic driver detection, packet-driver support, connect-information, and more can be made using menus and saved to user-profiles on diskette to prepare for fully automated sessions.  downloads:2408
AdminAdd.nlm  9.83 KB
  AdminAdd is an NLM that creates a NDS user object with Supervisor rights to the [Root] of the NDS tree.  downloads:3626
BorderManager Common Log Analysis Program  147.22 KB
  This program scans proxy server common log files, and creates HTML files containing these statistics.  downloads:2347
CNW Commander Vers. 2.21  381.33 KB
  The new version of the file manager ("Norton Commander") for NetWare. Main features: two panels, perform NDS and bindery, authentication to remote servers, deal with local and remote volumes, LONG names,etc. (shareware).   downloads:2870
CNW Editor V2.21 for NetWare  77.81 KB
  The CNW Editor is the ultimate EDIT.NLM replacement. (free)   downloads:2360
ComNetwork Commander Vers. 1.50a  91.00 KB
  ComNetwork Commander ("Norton Commander") for NetWare  downloads:2390
Compaq File Manager  66.97 KB
  File Manager for NetWare  downloads:2426
File Copy  14.53 KB
  File Copy: fcopy src dest
e.g. fcopy vol1:dir1/name1 vol2:dir2/name2
LANalyzer for Windows 2.2  3.55 MB
  Lan Analyzer for Windows.  downloads:2468
M.R.T.G. for NetWare  1.60 MB
  The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is a tool to monitor the traffic load on network links. MRTG generates HTML pages containing PNG images which provide a LIVE visual representation of this traffic.
"Getting Started" in Technical Info/Tools for NetWare.
MySQL Front 2.5 (Windows)  1.03 MB
  MySQL-Front is an easy-to-use-interface for web-workers dealing with MySQL-Databases.  downloads:2355
NetWare Control Center 1.51  5.10 MB
  NetWare Control Center is an advanced Logfile- and Event-Viewer for NetWare.  downloads:2548
Novell Network Performance Test V. 2.50  85.65 KB
  Novell Network Performance Test V. 2.50  downloads:2391
Novell Network Performance Test V. 3  55.68 KB
  Novell PERFORM3.EXE can be used to determine how effectively your hardware is performing in a NetWare environment.   downloads:2553
Packet scanner for NetWare.  131.63 KB
  NetWare packet capture tool v1.02.  downloads:2378
Schemax for NetWare.  4.87 MB
  An effective way to manage the NDS schema.  downloads:2452
Setpwd for NetWare  2.54 KB
  Sets the password of the user on a fileserver.  downloads:2661
Telnet for NetWare  10.25 KB
  Telnet terminal on NetWare 386 file server  downloads:2429
TOOLBOX.NLM 2.17 for NetWare 4 - 6  68.42 KB
  TOOLBOX.NLM provides various utility functions to be executed on the server console or via NCF files without involving any clients.   downloads:2583
USERPASS.NLM - change of passwords  15.73 KB
  A program USERPASS.NLM is designed for changes of passwords of many users existing at the same context as a server.   downloads:4937
VOLMON - NetWare Volumes Monitor (DEMO Version)  124.95 KB
  VOLMON it is a NLM module for monitoring of a volumes occupation of servers working on a Novell NetWare platform. VOLMON controls a state of volumes in a real time, that makes him an indispensable tool in every-day work of server Netware administrators. Demo version - all options are disable.   downloads:2355
Webalizer for NetWare.  946.45 KB
  Webalizer for NetWare.  downloads:1841
Since 2003

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