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WWW Applications

Browser Mozilla Firefox Vers. for Windows  5.74 MB
  Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured,very good browser for Windows that makes browsing more efficient than ever before.
The good: Tabbed interface; includes a pop-up blocker; built-in, multiple search tools; built-in RSS reader; stable; free.
The bad: No ActiveX support, so not all sites work.
What's it for: Web browsing with the latest and greatest technology; especially useful for secure activities such as online banking.
Who's it for: Those who want a secure Internet browser.
Browser Mozilla Firefox Wersja PL  6.36 MB
  Mozilla Firefox sprawia, ¿e przegl±danie stron www jest ³atwiejsze ni¿ kiedykolwiek dziêki mo¿liwo¶ci przegl±dania w panelach. Blokada wyskakuj±cych okienek. Znajdziesz wszystko szybciej. Posiada dostosowywalne paski narzêdzi. Kana³y RSS i Atom w zak³adkach. Rozszerzenia. Bezpieczeñstwo. Wersja   downloads:4590
Evolution Vers. 2.2  16.21 MB
  The most popular groupware client for Linux, Novell® Evolution™ integrates e-mail, calendaring, tasks and contact management in one easy-to-use application.  downloads:2447
Evolution Vers. 2.2.1  17.57 MB
  The most popular groupware client for Linux, Novell® Evolution™ integrates e-mail, calendaring, tasks and contact management in one easy-to-use application.  downloads:2456
Since 2003

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