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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10

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SLED10 - Connectivity Guide  437.71 KB
  June 28,2006
For managing network connections, you can use either the traditional method with the ifup command or NetworkManager. NetworkManager is specially-suited for mobile workstations. In this guide, find information about the difference between NetworkManager and ifup, when it is appropriate to use NetworkManager or ifup and how to use them, and a short introduction to D-BUS and HAL, technologies behind NetworkManager. (pdf)
SLED10 - Deployment Guide  8.53 MB
  July 04,2006
This guide is intended for use by professional network and system administrators during the actual planning, deployment, configuration, and operation of SUSE Linux Enterprise. (pdf)
SLED10 - Gnome User Guide  3.38 MB
  July 17,2006
This manual is designed to introduce you to the GNOME graphical desktop environment and show you how to configure it to meet your personal needs and preferences. (pdf)
SLED10 - Installation  174.80 KB
  July 17,2006
Use this document to install a new version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 or update a Novell Linux Desktop 9 system to SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10. (pdf)
  July 17,2006
This manual is designed to introduce you to the iPrint Linux Client include with SUSE® Linux Enterprise Desktop and show you how to configure printing on your desktop. (pdf)
SLED10 - KDE Quick Start  1.83 MB
  NOVELL QUICK START CARD. (pdf)   downloads:5114
SLED10 - KDE User Guide  7.56 MB
  June 21,2006
This manual introduces the KDE desktop of your SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop and a variety of applications you will encounter when working with the KDE desktop. It guides you through using these applications and helps you perform key tasks. It is intended mainly for end users who want to make efficient use of KDE in everyday life. (pdf)
Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop - Analiza produktu  502.16 KB
  SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 to obecnie jedyny dostêpny na rynku desktop linuksowy przygotowany do ogólnych zastosowañ biznesowych. Zosta³ on zaprojektowany przez firmê Novell, która zapewnia jego u¿ytkownikom ¶wiatowej klasy serwis i pomoc techniczn±.   downloads:9562
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